Facebook Accounts

Facebook icon on a phone

How to Download Your Facebook Account

If you love all of your pictures and videos you’ve posted on Facebook over the years, and would like to download them and save them so they are not lost, here is what you do: 1. Go to Settings & Privacy 2. Go to Settings 3. Go to Your Facebook Information 4. Go to Download […]

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Facebook with lock on it

Did Your Facebook Page Get Shut Down? Post Info Here!

We’ve heard about Facebook shutting down people’s pages for various reasons. Some reasons don’t sound very fair. We’d like to hear what has happened to you and why you’ve been told your page was taken down or suspended. Leave your information (story/details) in the comments below. We’re not sure we can do much but getting […]

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Guy on his mobile phone

Why Can’t I See my Friend’s Posts on Facebook?

If you can’t see the activity of your friends or their posts, that’s because of the privacy settings that your friend has set. They may have used the “Restricted” setting for you so that you remain friends but you’re not able to see their activity. Another reason may be that they may have set up […]

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Computer laptop with unlocked lock on it

How to Figure Out Someone’s Facebook Password

Question A friend of mine got really mad at me and she knew what my Facebook password was, so she changed it and now I can’t login. I tried using a keylogger to find out what she’s using for my password but I can’t get it to work. What should I do? Answer Technically, your […]

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guy and girl in a relationship hugging outside

If I Deactivate my Facebook Account, Will my Relationship Status be Cleared?

Question If I deactivate my account on Facebook will the person I’m currently in a relationship with still have my name next to their “In a relationship with” tab? Or will it just clear that and not show anything? Someone else asked: If I deactivate my Facebook account, will my partner’s relationship status still show […]

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Facebook red dislike

Can the Police Read Private Facebook Messages?

Question: Can the police see private Facebook messages and events or see deleted messages? Answer: Yes, kind of. Facebook has a loose partnership with police forces that they use. Facebook does scan messages for criminal activities. Why? Probably because they have a reputation they’ve invested in. If Facebook became a place for criminals to hang […]

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