Facebook Features
Can Friends Tag Me on a Post if I Have Deactivated my Account?
Can people tag you in a photo if you have deactivated your Facebook account? They cannot tag you if you don’t have a Facebook account or if you deactivate it. Your name may still show up there but there won’t be a link to your Facebook page. The photo will still be there, of course. […]
What Does “Active Now” Mean on Facebook Messenger?
What does active now mean on Facebook messenger? If people are in the Active Now list on Facebook, it means they are actively using Facebook at the moment. They are viewing their feed, chatting, playing games or some other activity. That person is online and you can chat with them. Does it mean active on […]
How Does Facebook Choose Who is on Your Favorites List?
Facebook Messenger Favorites – How Does it Work? Question How does Facebook choose who is on your favorites list? On the Facebook app on the iPhone, when you go to the chat thingy it shows a list of people and it says favorites then below the list of “favorites” it says who’s online. Can anyone […]