If I deactivate my account on Facebook will the person I’m currently in a relationship with still have my name next to their “In a relationship with” tab? Or will it just clear that and not show anything?
Someone else asked:
If I deactivate my Facebook account, will my partner’s relationship status still show my name or will doing that change it?
Yes, when you deactivate your Facebook account, the relationship status of the person you say you’re in a relationship with will be gone and it won’t show anything.
If you later re-activate your Facebook account, it’ll come back again.
People have tried this and this is how it has proven to work. Don’t get into any fights with your significant other if the status all of a sudden changes. Find out if they have deactivated their account before you get mad at them. 🙂
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This is incorrect. Once you deactivate your Facebook account it will not show a relationship status for, however when you reactivate your account it will simply say “in a relationship” you will no longer be tagged in the relationship status as you were no longer a participant of Facebook. That will need to be reset.
So glad you posted this, my partner deactivated his account and it untagged me from him so I had all sorts of questions… it still showed he was married tho. Just not connected to me. Is that your experience?
I meant when he reactivated, it showed he was married but we’ve had to tag me again…. is that your experience?
I meant when he reactivated, it showed he was married but we’ve had to tag me again…. is that your experience?