Facebook Messenger

How Often are Facebook Messages Not Delivered?


I sent my friend a message and she swears she responded but I never got it So is she lying?


Well, there can be problems with delivering messages from time to time, so don’t be too quick to think that your friend might be lying to you.

If .01% don’t get delivered, then that’s about 1 in 1,000,000. There’s probably a better chance of you winning the lottery but let’s check a few things:

  • Is her Internet connection down? Maybe it was temporarily when the message was sent.
  • If Facebook down? Here’s a website where you can check that. Maybe it was down when she tried to reply to you. That website shows some history of when Facebook has been down.
  • There is a threshold on Facebook when people send too many messages. This probably didn’t happen but it’s possible she hit that limit.
  • Her connection could have been blocked. If she got on a network, like at work, then some workplaces block access to Facebook and the message could not have been sent.

Facebook usually tells you if there was a problem with a message being sent. Maybe that happened and she missed seeing that message, so it didn’t go anywhere and then just went away.

Ask her to send it again. Don’t assume the worst – give your friend a chance and the benefit of the doubt and don’t get hung up on this one instance. If it keeps happening, then you might want to suspect something is wrong with your relationship with this person. Ask them if they have any problems with you and explain that you’d like a good relationship with them. If you use that angle instead of accusing them, you’re bound to get a much better result and have less drama.

Related Searches:

  • facebook messenger sent but not delivered
  • https://helpwithfb com/facebook-messages-not-delivered/
  • what if my messages on facebook messenger is not delivering
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  • delivered vs sent facebook
  • facebook messenger message not delivered
  • facebook messages sent but not delivered
  • facebook messages not delivered
  • facebook message says sent but not delivered
  • facebook message probably not delivered
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    • Andy P.
    • April 29, 2017

    I have an infuriating problem with incoming FB messages not appearing in the android apps. I’ve sent 4 reports to fb about it but have had zero support or replies.
    I’ve tried three different ways to view messages and get different results with all of them.
    If I go to the Facebook app itself, I can see a “new messages” count on the messaging icon at the top right, but when I click on it I only see a selection of older messages. Even more bizarelly, I get a DIFFERENT selection of messages if I log in to the same fb account on my phone or my android tablet
    If I use the Messenger app if shows a blank page with “searching for contacts” (spinning forever) but if I manually enter someones name, then I DO see their most recent message (but that’s pretty pointless if I don’t know a message has arrived, or who it’s from!)

    Finally, if I just go to the facebook website via a browser window, I can tap the icon top right and I DO see the latest messages (but if I just use the website I won’t get “push” notifications.
    I’ve tried deleting the cache and reinstalling the apps from scratch, with no improvement.

    Can anyone help?

    • cheryl jarman
    • January 23, 2020

    Hello, I am receiving a blue line to the left of everything I text on Facebook. Why? Can I get this removed and to stop doing that? I look forward to your reply and thank you. Cheryl

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