We’ve heard about Facebook shutting down people’s pages for various reasons. Some reasons don’t sound very fair. We’d like to hear what has happened to you and why you’ve been told your page was taken down or suspended.
Leave your information (story/details) in the comments below. We’re not sure we can do much but getting a record of what’s going on can only build a case against Facebook if that is where things end up.
As a reminder, this website is NOT associated with Facebook.
I thought I deleted my Facebook account in October. When I decided to come back I thought I had to start a new account. I was doing OK creating a new account, but then I got locked out. They started asking questions and had me upload a photo of me. Now they say they have to study my photo. I can’t get in. I don’t know what to do. What can I do?
Dear Facebook Team
My account has been looked, and is not a getting unlooked, becuse the option of Learn More is coming place in Get Started. So request you to check your system and Unlooked to my Facebook account.and it is my Facebook account I’m 100% sure, and active my phone number or email address. Sir my Facebook account very important documents white in my Facebook account, so pls sir unlocked my account, and urgent. Pls give me the option (Get code by email or phone number option ). Pls sir unlocked my account.
Thanks Facebook Team
My Details here.
Do NOT post your login and password here.
Don’t do it.
This is NOT Facebook. That’s clearly stated on this website if you just look. We can’t help you.
I can longer get on my account and have done nothing wrong. I kept getting all the so called join a group coming to me on it that I did not even send to join. I can no longer access my account do not know what the issue is. Face Book Sucks
I keep getting locked out of Facebook saying it was hacked. Sent photo I’d yet still locked out. How do I get in? Pam Rector
Facebook account
I sent gif that I didn’t create and I was blocked for 30 days it seems every subject imaginable is on Facebook but don’t you dare respond to it ! Wtf I think if the so called administrators see your profile and don’t like or agree with your interests especially politically your profiled by them and blocked for the slightest reasons
Hi Eric, we’re not Facebook, so we don’t know about your situation and cannot help you but you can try contacting Facebook.
I want unblock May self in Facebook
I keep getting 30-day bans for having conservative views they claim my post are spam or violates policy or not fact none of this is true I have started screenshotting all of them
Hi Sally. Thanks for the note but this isn’t an official Facebook website. Please contact Facebookcontact Facebook with any issues.