How Do I Hack Into My Boyfriend’s Facebook Account?

Unhappy couple - cheating boyfriend


I think my boyfriend is cheating on me with someone off face book but i don’t know his password to get the evidence i need…. does anyone know how to hack a Facebook account for free? that actually works? thank you for all your help

Question: I think my boyfriend is cheating on me with someone on Facebook but I don’t know his password to get the evidence i need. Does anyone know how to hack a Facebook account for free? I need a way that actually works. Please! I need to know before our marriage date because we are planning for our wedding.

Question: I need help trying to hack my boyfriends Facebook he changed his password and wont give it to me but yet he has mine and he recently started talking to this chick and he hides all the evidence if anyone knows how to help then please help it will be appreciated a lot

Question: How can you figure out someone’s Facebook password?


Sorry to hear that.

Here is some help:

It might not be legal but you can try installing a keystroke logger or a remote logger and then log out of Facebook on the computer in all browsers so that he needs to login the next time he uses it on the computer and you’ll capture his password.

And here are some signs that your boyfriend might be cheating on you:

  • Suddenly acting vain or conceited because the girl he just slept with really stroked his ego.
  • Acting indifferent towards you.
  • Not answering his phone around you.
  • Canceling plans with you.
  • Dressing differently.
  • Getting defensive or acting guilty if you ask him if he’s been cheating.
  • Acting guilty or crying at unusual times.
  • Always getting home late.
  • Scratch marks on their back.
  • Text messages from new people.
  • Late night calls.
  • Starting a page on a dating site like
  • Always answering the phone away from you.
  • “Staying at work” later and later
  • Saying they are too tired to have sex
  • Making jokes that he’s cheating or accusing you of cheating
  • They seem disinterested in you or only want you around when they need something
  • Taking a shower when coming home.
  • Things like random cigarettes or pony tail holders showing up in your rooms.
  • Unusual perfume smells on the bed sheets.

Related Searches:

  • how to hack my boyfriends facebook without him knowing
  • how to hack my boyfriends facebook
  • how to get my boyfriends facebook password for free
  • how to hack my boyfriend Facebook account
  • hack my boyfriends facebook
  • how to hack bf fb account
  • https://helpwithfb com/hack-boyfriends-facebook/
  • i want to hack my boyfriends facebook
  • hack my boyfriends facebook account
  • how to get your boyfriends password
  • i want to hack my bf fb account
  • how to hack my boyfriends facebook account
  • how to see my bf account
  • how to get my bf facebook password
  • how to hack my bf facebook
  • how can i get my boyfriends facebook password without him knowing
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  1. Reply

    How can i find out my boyfriends password and username

      • Betty
      • June 9, 2018

      Thank you!

        • Tracie Dawn Nash
        • March 25, 2019

        I know my bf email but he changed his password i want 2 no who he talking 2

          • Sam
          • May 15, 2019

          I need to access my partners Facebook messages can you help me to get his password if I give you his username please

            • fbhelper
            • May 19, 2019

            Please do not post passwords here. This is not an official Facebook website. Please contact Facebook for help.

          1. I want to get in my boyfriend s account

            • Seshy
            • June 15, 2021

            How can i hack my boyfriend’s Facebook account if i do not have his password

    • Withheld. Sara
    • March 15, 2018

    This reply is SO scripted it’s infuriating!
    I’m 39 going through a divorce was married 14yrs!! And I played the field in younger years. I would definitely consider myself a coach not player. 95% of the time your instincts are right but SOMETIMES….just sometimes we put on traits on our partner based on past bad experiences.!
    After my separation, now divorce I began dating this really nice guy who I swore was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! AFTER 2 YRS OF me thinking ideas in my head and really convinced he was actually doing these acts….i started acting on my suspension and began investigating ( which by the way I had never done with anyone before but had seen and known the friends who have)… he tried so hard to prove to me I was just being paranoid from past experiences but the more he try the more I suspect it and I basically drove myself and drove him and everyone involved crazy with my thoughts and ideas in spying and investigating and I did everything imaginable….. and it turned out he was going back to school embarrassed that he had never graduated and didn’t want me to know he couldn’t read or do math and he knew he had to come to my level in order to keep me….I spyed myself, hired PI’s and nothing was ever found except him hiding school books, sneaking off to class and tutoring etc…I was his first real live in gf… needless to say he left me and we haven’t spoken and it’s been 3yrs and he’s still single!!

    • Darren booth
    • March 4, 2019

    I want to see if he’s talking to anyone

    • Dude
    • August 7, 2019

    This thread is filled with advice on how to commit access device fraud. It’s a violation of title 18 of United States Code (that’s federal law you idiots) Enjoy the prison time.

      • Lol
      • November 15, 2021

      Not all world is America dude

    • Jack
    • April 9, 2020


  2. Reply

    how can I find out what is my boyfriend email is in password is

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