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How Does Facebook Choose Who is on Your Favorites List?

Facebook Messenger Favorites – How Does it Work?

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How does Facebook choose who is on your favorites list?

On the Facebook app on the iPhone, when you go to the chat thingy it shows a list of people and it says favorites then below the list of “favorites” it says who’s online. Can anyone explain how Facebook chose who is on the favorites list?


Yes, people want to know how Facebook determines your favorites.

In short, they’re the people you interact with the most. By interact, you like their posts or you leave comments or you stop scrolling and you read what they have to say.

Since most people have hundreds of friends, Facebook figured out that viewing every bit of what all of them says would be overwhelming for everyone. So you don’t see every post that each of your friends puts on Facebook. Instead, Facebook figures out who you interact with the most and you mainly see those posts. This is known as the “Facebook friends algorithm.”

Sometimes an old acquaintance will pop up in your news feed and that’s Facebook giving you a nudge that you should interact with them to keep the relationship going.

There is a “Close Friends” list that you have control of. Look for the link on the left.

Here is what Facebook says about these lists:

You can add your best friends to this list to see their photos and news in one place.

What Are Lists?
A quick, optional way to organize friends so you can control what you see in your News Feed and post updates to specific people. We won’t tell your friends if you add them to these three new lists:

1. Close Friends: Your best friends, who should show up more in News Feed.

2. Acquaintances: Friends who should show up less in News Feed.

3. Restricted: Friends who can only see posts and profile info you make public.

Smart Lists
You also have smart lists that update automatically based on your friends’ profiles to save you time.

When you use this list, you get to see what they post more often.


We hope the information here has helped you figure out how Facebook chooses who is on your favorites list. If you have questions, please leave a comment below and we’ll try to help or someone else may leave a comment to help you.

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